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Improving pre-treatment method in PEO protective coating for magnesium

Work is continuing on the development of a sample pre-treatment method. In order for the PEO protective coating to be homogeneous, the magnesium alloy parts must be degreased in an ultrasonic bath. Possibilities of etching Mg alloys in acid and alkaline etchings before obtaining the coating are considered. The most suitable solvents and the duration of the ultrasonic cleaning process that give the best results have been experimentally determined. The influence of bipolar power supply parameters on the quality of the coating has been extensively studied – by changing the parameters of voltage, current, frequency, pulse length and pause length and process duration, a series of samples has been prepared and corrosion tested. The most suitable current modes have been selected for further optimization of the PEO method.

Fig. 1 Alloy of Mg AZ31 treated with the PEO method and untreated sample in a 3% NaCl solution during the corrosion test.



Being implemented with the financial support of the ERDF.


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